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PyTorch Lite Multiplatform

Write inference code once and run it on both Android and iOS.

Voize Logoelevator pitch

voize develops speech recognition for healthcare professionals.

Nurses in Germany spent 30% of their time on administrative tasks instead of direct patient care.
With voize, nurses can just freely speak any medical report into our app and we generate the structured medical records. These are directly transferred into their existing healthcare record systems.

This way, voize allows profressionals to save time on administrative tasks and focus on patient wellbeing.

Erik ZieglerCo-Founder, CTO
10 min read


At voize, we developed our machine learning models to run on-device to achieve a low latency experience for our users, keep data private and allow users to use voize everywhere in their facility even if they do not have full WiFi coverage.

We use PyTorch to train our models and deploy them for mobile using the PyTorch Lite interpreter also called PyTorch Mobile interpreter. First, a PyTorch module is compiled using the TorchScript compiler producing a representation that can be run with the PyTorch C++ API known as LibTorch. Next, the TorchScript module is optimized for mobile deployment which pre-packs model weights and fuses Linear+ReLU operations.

The final artifact can be consumed and run on-device by the iOS and Android libraries provided by PyTorch which both leverage LibTorch under the hood. If you want to target both platforms you will have to write the inference code two times: once in Swift using the LibTorch-Lite pod and once in Kotlin using org.pytorch:pytorch_android_lite Maven dependency.

Although writing the inference code on both platforms is relatively straight-forward, maintaining the implementations can be challenging, especially if you regularly update input/output of the model or parts of the post-processing. Even more so if you have multiple models to maintain. You can try to put most of the pre- and post-processing into the TorchScript module, but will still have to write the platform-specific code to handle the input/output of the model.

Because voize runs a whole suite of these types of models on-device we wrote a library that allows us to implement model inferences in Kotlin Multiplatform code once and run it on both Android and iOS: PyTorch Lite Multiplatform. We are using this library in production for a long time now, which let us scale to more on-device models and faster iteration speed on model architectures and inference APIs.

Before we dive into the library, let us revisit what Kotlin Multiplatform is.

Kotlin Multiplatform

Kotlin Multiplatform (KMP) allows you to reuse Kotlin code across multiple platforms. This works by compiling Kotlin code to run directly on the JVM, iOS, JavaScript, and native binaries. If you have Kotlin code targeting JVM or Android you can reconfigure your project to compile the same code to run on iOS natively (not in a JVM). KMP makes it easy to abstract platform-specific implementations into a common Kotlin API that can be shared across platforms.

We use KMP heavily to share business logic between iOS and Android in our products so by creating a library that combines the platform-specific PyTorch Lite inference code into a Kotlin API we would gain a lot of productivity.

PyTorch Lite Multiplatform

PyTorch Lite Multiplatform is open-source on GitHub and can be used today in your Kotlin Multiplatform project, see the PyTorch Multiplatform GitHub repository. Check out the README for setup instructions. The repository also contains an example project.


Let's say you want to create a sentiment classifier in PyTorch and run it on-device.

  1. Prepare the model
    We start with our PyTorch model, which could be a simple BERT model with a classification head.
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from transformers import BertTokenizer

class SentimentClassifier(nn.Module):
    def __init__(
        encoder: nn.Module, # BERT encoder
        hidden_size: int,
        tokenizer: BertTokenizer,
        self.tokenizer = tokenizer
        self.encoder = encoder
        self.classifier = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 1)
        self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()

    def preprocess(self, text: str) -> torch.Tensor:
        return tokenizer.encode(text, return_tensors="pt")

    def forward(self, input_ids: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
        _, x = self.encoder(input_ids) # gets pooled encoder output
        x = self.dropout(x)
        x = self.classifier(x)
        x = self.sigmoid(x)
        return x
  1. Export the model
    We export the model for PyTorch Lite inference.
model = SentimentClassifier(...)
scripted_module = torch.jit.script(model)
optimized_scripted_module = optimize_for_mobile(scripted_module)
  1. Get the model file on-device
    We distribute the exported model file to the device, e.g. by bundling it into the app.
  2. Implement mobile inference
    Before PyTorch Lite Multiplatform, you would now write an inference implementation for each platform separately. But with our library, we can now directly interact with the model from Kotlin Multiplatform code.

First, we load the PyTorch module into memory:

import de.voize.pytorch_lite_multiplatform.TorchModule

val sentimentClassifier = TorchModule(path = "<path/to/model.ptl>")

Then, we can prepare our input data by calling the module's preprocess method:

val text = "this product is great!"
val input = sentimentClassifier.runMethod("preprocess", IValue.from(text))

And finally, we run the model prediction

val output = sentimentClassifier.forward(input)
val outputTensor = output.toTensor()

// get the output scalar from the tensor
val prediction = outputTensor.getDataAsFloatArray().toList().single()

And that's it! With just a few lines of code, we get a model inference that runs on iOS and Android.

The library supports all available input and output types with arbitrary nesting like tensors, primitives, lists and dicts.

How we did it

Writing a multiplatform wrapper library regardless of the framework usually follows the same approach: use the existing native libraries for both platforms if available, come up with a unifying API (hopefully the native libraries already have very similar APIs), implement the unified API in the framework you are targeting and internally call the native libraries.


PyTorch Lite has 3 concepts:

  • Module - Represents the exported PyTorch model, it can be loaded from a file, you can call forward and other exported methods.
  • IValue - A container for any data type, like int, float, Tensor, List, Dict, etc.
  • Tensor - PyTorch tensor.

The final Kotlin API reflects these concepts.

Wrapping the native libraries

The Android part is fairly easy because you can directly call the Java/Kotlin API provided by the PyTorch Lite Android library from the Kotlin wrapper code.

iOS is trickier. iOS uses the LibTorch C++ library which is distributed for iOS via a CocoaPod. Kotlin Native has excellent interoperability with C and Objective-C but binding C++ libraries is not supported and not part of the roadmap. Binding LibTorch directly would probably be difficult anyway because of its large API surface area.

Instead, we wrap the LibTorch C++ API into an Objective-C API that we call PLMLibTorchWrapper which only exposes the required concepts. Since interop with Objective-C is supported in Kotlin Native we can call this API from our Kotlin code. We also need to republish this project as a CocoaPod so apps using PyTorch Lite Multiplatform can include it since the Kotlin Multiplatform library does not embed the Objective-C source.

With both platform implementations ready to be called from Kotlin we can implement the unified API using Kotlin Multiplatform's expect / actual concept.

Tackling Memory Management issues

On iOS, when creating a Tensor from data in Kotlin, internally the data has to be copied from Kotlin into a native data structure using for example allocArray:

// iosMain/.../Tensor.kt

actual class Tensor {
    actual companion object {
        actual fun fromBlob(
            data: IntArray,
            shape: LongArray,
        ): Tensor = memScoped {
            val nativeTensor = NativeTensor(
                intData = allocArray(data.size) { value = data[it] },
                shape = allocArray(shape.size) { value = shape[it] },
                shapeLength = shape.size.toULong()

With this implementation, the allocated native memory is disposed at the end of the memScoped block. So when using this API the tensor data might be lost before the tensor is used in the model:

val tensor = Tensor.fromBlob(data = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3), shape = longArrayOf(3))
val output = model.forward(tensor) // tensor data might be lost here

To mitigate this we provide a plmScoped block that lets the user control the lifetime of the native memory:

// iosMain/.../Tensor.kt

actual class Tensor {
    actual companion object {
        actual fun fromBlob(
            data: IntArray,
            shape: LongArray,
            scope: PLMScope,
        ): Tensor = with(scope.nativePlacement) {
            val nativeTensor = NativeTensor(
                intData = allocArray(data.size) { value = data[it] },
                shape = allocArray(shape.size) { value = shape[it] },
                shapeLength = shape.size.toULong()
val output = plmScoped {
    val tensor = Tensor.fromBlob(
        data = intArrayOf(1, 2, 3),
        shape = longArrayOf(3),
        scope = this,
} // input tensor data is disposed here

On Android, plmScoped is a noop because the memory management is handled by the JVM's garbage collector.

What’s next

As of 2024, PyTorch Lite is not actively developed by PyTorch anymore and efforts for inference on mobile devices shifted to ExecuTorch which builds on top of torch.compile and torch.export.

We are looking forward to do the same thing for ExecuTorch we did for PyTorch Lite, providing a convenient Kotlin Multiplatform wrapper to allow Kotlin developers to easily leverage the latest on-device inference solutions from PyTorch. We will keep you updated!

If you yourself are passionate about PyTorch mobile inference, consider contributing to our effort for supporting ExecuTorch in Kotlin Multiplatform! You can apply at voize to come on board and work full time on engineering like this!

Voize Logois hiring!

We are hiring Kotlin engineers to join our team in Berlin fulltime and to work one of the most impactful AI products in the German healthcare sector.
Job PostingKotlin Engineer